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Why Every Doctor Needs A Personal Brand?

Before starting HappiMed (a Healthcare Marketing Company), I had informally talked to more than 100 doctors across the globe to understand what they think about building their own brand. Below are the questions I asked them.

  1. How do prospective patients know about you & your services?
  2. Why should prospective patients choose you over other doctors?
  3. Do you connect with your prospective patients?
  4. Do you add value to your prospective patients / Community?
  5. How do you gain Trust of your prospective patients?
  6. How do you ensure a regular stream of patients whom you can serve?
  7. How do you differentiate yourself with other doctors in your field?
  8. Do you know any doctor in your area who is doing better than you, and have you analysed the reason for it?
  9. Do you have an Online Presence?
  10. Do you believe in creating a personal brand for yourself?
  11. Would you invest in building your personal brand?

Well You Guessed it right……by the time they read the question # 9, 10, 11…..most of them were convinced that they needed a better connect with their prospective patients and were ready to invest in building their personal brand.

Personal Branding is Not Self-Promotion

Most of the Doctors think of branding as Self-Promotion. Doctors need to understand that personal branding is not exactly self-promotion but an awareness campaign to connect with & serve more patients. Patients need HELP and YOU have the skills to help them, branding just creates a social connection between the doctor & patient, which is a Win-Win for both.

Personal Branding Makes You Stand Out

Today the competition in medical field is fierce. Doctors are competing against each other, junior doctors are challenging senior doctors, hospitals are constantly looking to lower cost, Big Hospitals are being challenged by new generation Healthcare start-ups which are taking away their patients. Personal branding helps you to stand-out within the community of Doctors, in the eyes of Hospital Managers and ensures that you lead over others.

Never Worry About Getting More Patients

At the back of every Doctors mind is this question – How can I serve more Patients?
Personal branding helps you to be visible in front of your prospective patients, creates social proof so that you do not have to worry about getting more patients at all. Your productivity will also improve. You will get qualified leads or patients i.e. patients will already have researched about you and know everything about you before even meeting you. Such patients convert into lifelong followers.

Establish Trust with Your Prospective Patients

Today the competition in medical field is fierce. Doctors are competing against each other, junior doctors are challenging senior doctors, hospitals are constantly looking to lower cost, Big Hospitals are being challenged by new generation Healthcare start-ups which are taking away their patients. Personal branding helps you to stand-out within the community of Doctors, in the eyes of Hospital Managers and ensures that you lead over others.

Up-sell Your Services

You can up-sell your services to your current & prospective patients. For example, if you are a General Physician, you could remind your current patients about their annual health check being due and offer them a little discount to encourage them to do the health check. Similarly, you can offer health check to your prospective patients as well. If you are an Ophthalmologist or a Dentist, you would upsell similar services to your patients.

Your Patients become Your Advocates

Personal branding help you stay in touch with your current patients. As you share your knowledge with them, your current patients share it further to their friends & relatives, thus increasing your reach, building trust and helping you in serving more people.
Imagine you have 1000 Facebook followers (current patients) , and if you share one infographic with them, when these 1000 folks hit “Like” or “Share” it reaches all their friends a potential reach of across 10000 people, boosting your brand.

Give Your Best to the Patients

Personal branding motivates you to always give your best service to the patients. You need to remember that your patients are constantly watching you and closely observing your behaviour. Any small failure in service on your part may impact your branding. Hence Doctors are always motivated to give their best to protect their brand. This is a Win-Win for all.

Return On Your Investment

Technology has made it possible to scientifically measure the ROI based on Leads & conversions. Typical ROI is 2X to 10X.

“Branding is the Art of becoming Knowable, Likable & Trustable”


Whether you are a medical student, Junior Doctor or a Senior Doctor, there is no escaping from building your own personal brand. Most of the Doctors whom I talked to, want to build their personal brand but did not know how to do that. They also assumed that to build their brand they would require to devotee a lot of time and hence felt discouraged. Not anymore…….

We at HappiMed can help you to build & manage your brand so that you can do what you are best at Serving Patients.

This New Year 2023 – Invest in Your Brand.

Please contact below.

Girish K Joshi – (CEO)
Mobile: +91-9845848572
Email: girish@happitude.in

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